I’m going to go out on a limb
here and guess that if you are reading this you are probably involved in the
automotive repair business and the owner, manager or boss of some nature has
“suggested” that this should be required reading. How am I doing so far? ….
That’s what I thought. I’m going to make another prediction and that is that
you’re probably already a pretty good tech and you know your stuff. Right about
now, you’re probably starting to ask yourself “How does he know all that?” I’m
going to give you an answer you might not be expecting.
You’re a pretty valuable person.
Not only to yourself and your family but to where you work and that’s what
we’re going to address here. Let’s look at it this way. There are two sides to
having a job. In its simplest sense, your company has an expectation of
receiving value for the dollars they are paying you and you have an expectation
of being paid for the time. However, nothing is ever that simple. It is a
complicated relationship but I am going to give you the answer that gets us
going. The reason I “know” you’re a good tech is because your company has made
the decision to help round out your experience which increases your worth, no
matter where you go, by enrolling you in classes and “asking” that you read
this column.
They wouldn’t do that if they
thought you weren’t worth it. They wouldn’t waste their time or money on you if
you couldn’t do the job. You are not employed by a charitable institution. They
are in business to make a profit for themselves and in order to do that, they need
technicians who can earn that profit for them.
If you were not that person, you wouldn’t be there. …. How’s that? …. So
read on!
As we get into the topic of sales
and service I would like to create two distinctions in the “sales” category and
then illustrate how it flows seamlessly into the “customer service” category.
First sales: Most of us think about sales as
taking care of the customer that drives in off the street. For the most part
you would be correct. That would be the “external” customer. But there is
another customer you need to consider first and that is who I call the
“internal” customer. Not to get too deep
here, but briefly, the internal customer is everyone else you work with. Unless
you are the sole proprietor of a business, you have internal customers.
Here’s an example. If you are in
a large shop with many techs and service writers all working in their own
“areas”, you all have to work together as a team. That means that the person
handing you the work order or transmitting it to you on a tablet has to get
everything right on that form. All the details, all the notes and comments the
customer made when they brought in the vehicle need to be there if you’re going
to have a chance at doing your job correctly.
Then the person you hand off your finished job to, if it’s the tire
guys, the detail people or back to the service writer, they need you to
have done your job correctly and completely. You are the “customer” of the
person that gives you the job and the person you give it to is your
customer. If you are happy with the information on the work order and the
person who receives your work to carry on the flow is happy with what they got
from you, then everyone is happy, including the “external” customer we weren’t
even talking about yet. …. You may want
to read that again.
So now let’s talk about the
“external” customer. Here again, nothing is simple. We are all customers when
we go out and consume anything. It could be buying gas, clothes, dinner, movies
or taking a vacation. We are consuming all the time. What you are going to find
the more you read my writings is that in order to understand what is required
to take care of that external customer and keep them happy and coming back, you
are going to have to rely on your own experiences as a consumer to guide
you in delivering that higher level of customer service. In other words, treat
the customer like you expect to be treated if the situation was reversed.
I’m going to ask you to step
outside your job and think about how you felt during your last purchase at the
…. fill in the blank …. . Were you happy or were you muttering to
yourself? Go on, you can do it. Was your
mind not thinking about what a great person that was who took care of you or
how lousy it was when you had to hunt for someone to help you and when you
finally found them they gave you the wrong advice? It’s not hard. You get these
lessons all the time. NOW, all you have to do is turn your mind back into your
business and relate it to how you treat your customers (internal &
external). What would their opinion be of their last contact with you or your
work? …. I’m just sayin’.
The one thing I will not accept
is making excuses that one particular business is different from another when
it comes to customer service. That you can’t relate what went on at the dry
cleaners or the doctor’s office to the automotive business. Yes, the nature of
the business can definitely be different but I can guaranty that when you break
it down to the most basic fundamental, it will all come down to the opinions we
form about customer service. It is my contention that there is only one way to
pursue it. I hope you will join me in
these monthly articles as we explore proper sales practices and quality
customer service.
© Bill Rosenberg
BillR Services, LLC